8 Things to Avoid in a Restaurant

The Earth revolves (spins) at a speed of 1041.7 MPH! In the modern day life style, we are coping up with the speed of earth and the speed of evolution. In almost the same speed, diseases are evolving and spreading as well across globe. While coping up with the speed, westernization has a huge dominance in our country and family outing over weekends, eating at restaurants have become very common. Especially in a family if the husband and wife are employed/ self-employed, eating at restaurants has become very common even during weekdays!
Here is what Dr .V.G. Mohan Prasad M.D., D.M (Gastro), FCCP, MIASL, FRCP (E) Founder & Chairman, VGM Gastro Centre has to say on 8 easy things that you could easily avoid at restaurants to stay healthy if you are doubtful about the quality of water being used! This article is also an awareness for the restaurant owners and chefs who rule the kitchen as well to help the customers stay healthy.
Diseases easily spread through water, half cooked food, unhealthy or unhygienic environment. As a customer, we could avoid a list eight top items that could easily infect us like Fresh Juice, Plain water, Ice cubes, Butter milk, Salad, Raitha/ Pachadi/ Chutney, Paani, Watery Curd. These are the items that are mixed with plain water while preparation and any contamination would easily infect the consumer. If you are doubtful about the quality of the water being served in the restaurant, better stay safe and avoid these items. Any water that is used for food preparation should be either RO Treated or boiled before use.
Any restaurant has a vital responsibility to check the water they use for making the food and not only for water that is being served. Examples for Chutney / Pachadi / Raitha and Juices are added with water to increase quantity. Any items that is mixed with contaminated water has potential to spread diseases just like drinking an un-boiled water. Viral hepatitis causing Jaundice, Bacteria’s causing Gastritis or Diarrhoea are common things that could spread through water.
This even goes until the manufacturers of Ice cream. All we get is the tasty ice-cream from the freezer box, but the manufacturers should be responsible enough to use clean water for making of ice creams. Even the freezers that are used to store Ice creams, should be kept running 24 hours a day. There are restaurants, who turn off the freezers during night to save power, but it back fires in generation of bacteria’s while it is turned off. Restaurants owners, please be aware and keep the freezers running 24 hours a day.
Yes, it is fun to taste all ice creams of the world, fresh juices, raithas and chutneys, but be calculative, have them in quality restaurants, even if a pinch of doubts arises, avoid and stay healthy.
Great article Dr. Madhura!
It informs clearly that the main culprit of nearly all diseases is contaminated water.
Again, the article elucidates the right choices to be made while selecting the menu items at a restaurant.
The thumb rule suggested by you had simplified the process.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Very informative